CMONVIN > WORLD WINES ジュゼッペ クインタレッリ アマローネ デッラ ヴァルヴォリチェッラ クラッシコ 1995 ENQUIRY CMONVIN > WORLD WINES ジュゼッペ クインタレッリ アマローネ デッラ ヴァルヴォリチェッラ クラッシコ 1995 ENQUIRY Contact Customer Service 問い合わせ The ultimate wine produced by the great producers of Amarone, based on their long history and experience. The elegance, depth, and luxurious aftertaste created by the careful handcrafting of this wine is very appealing. The dense palate lingers on the finish, with a sweetly fragrant aftertaste that is somehow transparent, graceful, and profound, reminding us that this is a great wine. 97/100 75cl Previous Next1234567891011