CMONVIN > Japanese whisky Nikka 40 Years Old 11,350円(税込) CMONVIN > Japanese whisky Nikka 40 Years Old 11,350円(税込) Contact Customer Service Nikka 40 Year Old Whisky The Nikka 40 is a blended whisky containing some oldest Nikka stock included 1945 Yoichi and 1969 Miyagiko Malt. Accompanied by a Nikka crystal glass Glitter 700ml / 43% 精裝木禮盒,附一甲水晶玻璃閃爍徽瓶。當這支威士忌的配方由一甲的調酒師披露時,整個團隊極為興奮,當中包括1945年的余市,以及1969年的宮城峽麥芽 Previous Next1234567891011