CMONVIN > Champagne シャンパーニュ ブリュット ジャクソン キュヴェ ナンバー 728 ENQUIRY CMONVIN > Champagne シャンパーニュ ブリュット ジャクソン キュヴェ ナンバー 728 ENQUIRY Contact Customer Service 問い合わせ Founded in 1798, the venerable Champagne house Jacquesson is heading into the 21st century with a new brut, Cuvee No. 728, and it’s something revolutionary. Traditionally, non vintage bruts have been blended from reserve and vintage wines to create a consistent taste and style. But with this new Cuvee No. 728, Jacquesson intends to make the best possible blend each year from the vintage and reserve wines available. 75cl/12%