CMONVIN > Champagne アンリ ジロー オマージュ オー ピノ ノワール パーセル 94,000円(税込) CMONVIN > Champagne アンリ ジロー オマージュ オー ピノ ノワール パーセル 94,000円(税込) Contact Customer Service Henri Giraud Champagne is available at The Champagne Company and Giraud's history in Champagne began with the Hémart family, descendants of Henri IV, who settled permanently in Ay at the beginning of the 17th century. In the 20th century, Leon Giraud married a Miss Hémart where he reconstructed the magnificent family vineyard and grafted vines on the cuttings taken from certain American vines. Score : 92/100 75cl x 6 Previous Next1234567891011