CMONVIN > Japanese whisky Miyagikyo Single Malt Fruity and Rich ENQUIRY CMONVIN > Japanese whisky Miyagikyo Single Malt Fruity and Rich ENQUIRY Contact Customer Service 問い合わせ The founder of Nikka Whisky, Masataka Taketsuru, travelled to Scotland in 1918 to learn the process of distilling Scotch whisky first hand. He studied organic chemistry and malt whisky production at the Hazelburn distillery, in Campbeltown near the Mull of Kintyre. He married Jessie Roberta "Rita" Cowan and returned with her to Japan in 1920, He brought back with him two notebooks filled with notes on the whisky distilling process. After 10 years of dedicated work at Suntory, he established his own company in Hokkaido, the northernmost big island in Japan, where the climate is most similar to that of Scotland, in 1940 the first Nikka whisky, labeled as Rare Old Nikka Whisky, was launched. A very rare bottling of Taketsuru released in 2008, At 35 years this is the oldest Taketsuru and this blended malt contains casks from Yoichi and Miyagikyo distilleries, the oldest available stock from both distilleries. 18cl/55% Previous Next1234567891011